Osteowise Health Care

Where Your Health Matters…

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Conditions we treat

Our Osteopaths are here to treat injuries resulting from poor posture, work, sport and age-related conditions like osteoarthritis. We can support you with a range of Osteopathic techniques no matter how you present.

Conditions we treat

Conditions we treat

Our treatment Approach

Listen - Assess – Treat & Rehabilitate

Osteopaths are highly skilled primary healthcare practitioners who can formulate personalised treatment plans to help you achieve your goals. We are passionate about getting results which helps you achieve your goals. With our treatment there is no one size fits all approach. We take various factors like age, medical history, lifestyle and type of work into account when deciding on the best treatment for you.

We start off the osteopathic consultation by taking a thorough history. This will address what you are presenting with. We may ask a few questions regarding your past medical history as well.

The history is usually followed by a physical assessment of how you are moving. It is aimed at the presenting and relevant areas. The primary focus with physical assessments is to identify restrictions and asymmetries. We might perform some special movement or neurological tests to accurately identify the cause of your pain.

Once a diagnosis is made, we explain the origin and source of your pain. It is crucial for patients to have a sound understanding of their diagnosis as it helps with management of your condition.

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Our Osteopathic treatments are:


Understanding your condition is important to reach and achieve your goals. We are continuously educating our patients to help them get better results

Hands On

A noticeable portion of our treatment is hands on with techniques like soft tissue work, stretching, Dry needling and HVLA to list a few


Exercise is an important part of achieving and maintaining long term results.

From here we commence hands on work which may incorporate the following techniques

Articulation involves gently moving the joint through its range of motion. It is aimed at improving mobility of the restricted joint. 

Stretching and MET  This is the process of lengthening the muscles and we may progress it to a MET which incorporates your efforts of muscle resistance to improve the movement available at the joint.

Joint Mobilisation and Manipulation (The Crack):  Joint mobilisation is one of the techniques performed during consultations. However just like the other techniques it is not always used. Patients are screened for this technique and it is strictly performed with patient consent. It is mainly aimed at increasing the range of motion available at the joint and improving the pain experienced.

Dry Needling involves the insertion of a sterile acupuncture needle. This is mainly performed to release the ‘knots – aka Trigger points’ in the muscles.

Soft Tissue Techniques  are aimed at addressing tightness in the muscles. Examples of some of these techniques include inhibition, friction and massage. 

Treatment plans are crucial to what we do. It is necessary to set goals, monitor progress and achieve results. This is individual to the diagnosis and the patient.

The last phase of treatment involves strengthening exercises, ergonomic advice, and rehabilitation strategies to help in your recovery and obtain long term results.

Not sure if Osteopathy is right for YOU??

Would you like to speak to our Osteopaths?

We offer an obligation free phone consult with one of our Osteopaths so you can decide if we can address your concerns..


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